Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by egerste.
today z and i had off. we caught a ride with myra down the mountain then z, stephi (one of our housemate's) and i hitched a ride into Pi'ai.

we got picked up by a pick-up truck - the driver waived for us to hop in. here you can see z and stephi in the back of the truck.

once we got to town z and i sheepishly ordered coffee and pancakes as a treat. as you can imagine such items are no where to be found in myra's house and z and i would be too embarrassed to make either here. oh well. it was shameful but entirely satisfying.

then we walked around town for a bit and z covetously drooled over various surfboards. i swear, this one-intersection town has SIX different surf shops. crazy. z got a much needed hat to shade himself from the sun.

we then met up with the gang and went grocery shopping at Mana - the so-called *cheaper* natural foods store. this organic food gig is so NOT cheap. unfortunately it seems to be the only option. even if we wanted to shop elsewhere the surrounding towns have only one grocery store each and they are all organic. c'est la vie.

we then returned to the farm and resumed gardening for a couple of hours before dinner. myra cooked us squash soup with cilantro (a non-irritating spice), toasted dal (look like yellow corn nuts), papadam, spinach and feta wrapped in philo dough.

z and i have decided to start a food blog - due in part to brett's suggestion. we plan to take photo's of the meals myra prepares and identify them and hopefully post the recipes as well. it should be interesting. i will be sure to let you know when it is up and running.

also, i have a greater collection of photos at flickr.com. this way i don't have to post every single picture we take. take a look when you get a chance!


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